Karsten Nowak
Karsten Nowak
powermail v7.4.0, TYPO3 9.5.17 The confirmation link in plaintext mails is broken. I think there are 2 problems in powermail/Classes/Domain/Service/Mail/PlaintextService.php in `extractLinkForPlainTextContent()` first: missing `htmlspecialchars_decode` for the linktext if the...
You should not use `f:translate` in the configuration section - instead, use `LLL:EXT...` references which are fully supported by TYPO3 for field labels, select option values and so on. _Originally...
## Bug Report **Current Behavior** Using aspect type "NewsTitle" in RouteEnhnacer for news url routing breaks the 404 handling. If set and a wrong url is requested, the homepage of...
Is it possible to use an "View" button in backend to get a preview of the current event? I tried to configure this TCEMAIN.preview stuff in page ts config. I...
Hier ein erster Aufschlag für die Nutzung eines Foundation Themes.
Simple command to add test data for tea model with a console command. It's just the first try and should be extended by more data, translations, etc. Resolves: #1120
Related: #2495 If more than one category is used for a filter form, then empty categories (not selected in from) are still added to the category constraint. This PR will...
## Bug Report **Current Behavior** I'm adding a news plugin with no category restriction, to show all news from a sysfolder. In fluid template I built two select fields for...