On Xubuntu 22.04 and `go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64`: ``` $ go install github.com/rasky/g64drive@latest go: downloading github.com/rasky/g64drive v0.3.2 go: github.com/rasky/g64drive@latest (in github.com/rasky/[email protected]): The go.mod file for the module providing named packages...
I apologize for not having a minimal repro for this but see the example in https://github.com/kannoneer/libdragon/blob/4521ce1bbee1328ba7022a203e33b3de0c85956b/examples/gameloop/gameloop.c#L111 ```c rdpq_sprite_blit(player_sprite, player.pos.x, player.pos.y, &(rdpq_blitparms_t){ .s0 = player.frame * PLAYER_SPRITE_SIZE, .width = PLAYER_SPRITE_SIZE, .flip_x...
First of all, thanks for sharing this amazing piece of software. But I'm having problems compiling with exact arithmetic support because LEDA library is not available anymore. The website at...
Reworking recompiler's JIT block accesses to be more flexible so that we can bake more runtime info to them. This way runtime checks can be avoided in the generated code,...