Wong Kang Boon
Wong Kang Boon
For those who encounter same issue: [_which stuck me around hours to tracing each fn_] This Issues cause by patterns receive none string value upon transpile, fixed your axios dependencies...
use `@Optional` decorator upon injection https://angular.io/api/core/Optional example: > `import {Optional} from '@angular/core';` inside constructor: ` > @Optional private swPush: SwPush `, Hope this will help
Brilliant Idea, Thanks a lot, maxOffsetPercentage do solve the first question as well, I'm just starting to rewrite and thinking the possibility to implement this feature on handler method like...
> As of v.1.9.0, you can use the `move` event to limit the moving range, here is an example: > > https://fengyuanchen.github.io/viewerjs/examples/moving-range-limit.html Minor bug detected, while zoomin around 300% and...