${VERSION} is placed by 1.8.0 in the script
1. " If you are using fabric 2.4 and thus can bind to fabric:2.4 " 1) I try this command to bind to fabric:2.4: npx caliper bind --caliper-bind-sut fabric:2.4 2)...
“then more intelligence is built into the gateway peer service to address this so org targeting isn't required” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to know how to "built into the gateway peer...
> Looks like you are running test network, and I assume that caliper and test-network are running on the same machine given the reference to localhost > > The message...
SDK version: master dock-substrate: version 0.22.0 And I run the following command : docker run -p 9944:9944 -p 30333:30333 docknetwork/dock-substrate:mainnet --chain ./cspec/knox_raw.json --ws-external --enable-offchain-indexing=true 2023-04-10 08:07:06 Dock Node 2023-04-10 08:07:06...
I also have this issue, anyone has solved it, please~
> I also have this issue, anyone has solved it, please~ lstat /opt/gopath/src/chaincode: no such file or directory; I think this directory does not exist, and the command "lstat" also...
> > I also have this issue, anyone has solved it, please~ > > lstat /opt/gopath/src/chaincode: no such file or directory; > I think this directory does not exist, and...
I meet other problem: Error: proposal failed with status: 500 - cannot use new lifecycle for channel 'mychannel' as it does not have the required capabilities enabled