
Results 9 issues of kangear

setEnable(false) should let background be grey fow now, setEnable(false) just let the know do not swipe, user can not know it's disabled clearly.

old method: ``` java /** * 获取Usb权限 * @param context * @param usbManager */ private void tryGetUsbPermission(Context context, UsbManager usbManager, UsbDevice device, UsbInterface intf){ Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Printer#tryGetUsbPermission"); IntentFilter filter = new...

I need to convert png/jpg to postscript use "android-lib-magick", but i can't fond anything about this. thank you.

``` javascript Error: Callback was already called at queue.js? [sm]:13 at Object.obj.complete (index.js? [sm]:13) at Object.success (sound.js? [sm]:707) at Object.recv (common.js? [sm]:627) at BleManager.doCallback (bt.js? [sm]:219) at Function. (bt.js? [sm]:288)...

非常好,我在s5pv210上测试ok! 很好用!

[Ver130726-TINY210v2]# tftp zImage_yaffsecc dm9000 i/o: 0x88001000, id: 0x90000a46 DM9000: running in 16 bit mode MAC: 00:40:5c:26:0a:5b operating at 100M full duplex mode Using dm9000 device TFTP from server; our...


1.关于16bit ECC的实现这里有分析:http://www.arm9home.net/read.php?tid-80271-fpage-0-toread--page-1.html 2.感谢网友mhjong发现的BL1代码Bug (原文在这里:http://www.arm9home.net/read.php?tid=80271&page=3#245756) 楼主说oob区翻转会导致出现错误的校正,这与我做的测试不符。 也和手册里的描述不符: The parity codes have self-correctable information including parity code itself. 大致看了下楼主的代码,发现了问题所在。 手册中对翻转位置寄存器的描述如下 MLC ECC Error Byte Location Status Register (NFECCERL0~7, R, Address = 0xB0E2_00C0...
