
Results 15 issues of Kanashimia

### This: hmm better import Control.Concurrent.Async import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Graphics.UI.GLUT -- same imports, but with qualified import Control.Concurrent.Async import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT import Control.Concurrent.Async import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Graphics.UI.GLUT --...

help wanted

On reload it quickly fixes itself for one moment (thats how i took that photo). After some time (switching between projects) it goes back to normal but on save is...

It just makes more sense :moyai:, and it is the behavior of `ls -lh`, `free -h`, `du -h`.

help wanted

###### To reproduce: Set border size to something like 100 (why is this called border size, if it is padding?) `echo 'st.borderpx: 100' | xrdb` launch `xst`, and make window...

When you run `nix flake check` it complains that `flake attribute 'packages.i686-linux.default' is not a derivation` Same with `nix flake show`: ```bash $ nix flake show github:nix-community/fenix github:nix-community/fenix/e9dcb2bf01b002ccc05edf7ddcc5bbf09c9a8cd0 ├───overlay: Nixpkgs...


Transferring large amounts of files to the bcachefs from the btrfs causes I/O timeouts and freezes the whole system. This doesn't seem to be related to the btrfs, but rather...

You can change device label like this `echo cool_label > /sys/fs/bcachefs/51a11e41-1765-4a71-aa5c-240f839fe141/dev-0/label` but you can't change filesystem label. Needs support in bcachefs-tools too. I think this applies to some other options...

### What version of `astro` are you using? 2.9.3 ### Are you using an SSR adapter? If so, which one? None ### What package manager are you using? npm ###...

- P2: nice to have

GUI controls in the plugin set the value outside of the maximum range allowed by the plugin description: ``` > lv2info https://github.com/laixinyuan/StereoSourceSepartion https://github.com/laixinyuan/StereoSourceSepartion Name: StereoSourceSeparation Class: Plugin Author: AnnieShin Has...

Basically i have usbd-serial device in the main loop, and i want to use serial device to log errors in the panic handler. There are two solutions for this: 1....