
Results 7 issues of kamrapooja

Hi, I am training a large dataset on my machine which has below configuration: 8gb ram, i3processor. By default Tensorflow takes 10% or system memory. Due to this i am...

I am using marshmallow schema to generate documents. but i am not able to uderstand how to pass header along with schema. Please help.

Not able to close the yolo_mark.exe until all the images are traversed. Also not able to delete the tagged area. Once it is tagged not able to modify as well....

I am using TessBaseAPIDetectOrientationScript to detect orientation and script. Before calling this API i have called TessBaseAPIInit4 to initialize tesseract. In this api path of tessdata repostiory is required. If...

Hi We are using ffmpeg library to extract audio from video file. The video files are present on different machine and ffmpeg is installed on another machine. Command used to...

We are using ffmpeg python binding to extract audio from given video file. Code sample - try: out, err = (ffmpeg .input(in_filename) .output(out_file, format='s16le', acodec='pcm_s16le', ac=1, ar='16k', ab='160k') .run(capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)...

Hi, i am using punctuator library in my REST API. It works fine for one request. But, if multiple requests are sent from calling application, then it it giving error:...