您好,我這邊下載code並嘗試run,在app啟動時會呼叫數個api,但都返回http 401錯誤,請問該如何解 post : return { "path": "/api/following/item_list", "error": "Unauthorized", "message": "Full authentication is required to access this resource", "status": 401 }
when i run on IOS device, get this error [libdsm_flutter/libdsm/ios/Classes/SwiftDsmPlugin.swift:3:8](): error: missing required module 'dsm_birdge' import libdsm_ios how can I resolve this? Xcode version 13.2.1 (13C100) IOS version 15.3.1
There is no iOS option in the run configuration. How can I launch it on the iPhone simulator? thanks