Kamlesh Sahoo
Kamlesh Sahoo
Hii Can I take up this issue?
Hii Can I take up this issue?
I'll take ``` pandas.DataFrame.at_time pandas.DataFrame.backfill ```
Hii @samet-akcay @djdameln I would like to take up this issue. Also, I would love to know get any advice and insights from your side before starting. Thanks:)
Ohh no problem. @samet-akcay Btw let me know if I can still contribute in any way. I'll be looking for other issues till then cheers:)
@dakshdeepHERE I would like to take up this issue.
@ishg-153 surely
@SSwiniarski sorry but I don't think I would be able to make it. You can assign this to someone else. I have another issue assigned here, I'll try to make...