Same problem here :) I have a json column containing an object with question mark field like this: > { > "json_param": "question mark string ?" > } if I...
Hi, just created the PR #628 for the SqlResult class still containing the question mark hardcoded I know that I made a breaking change on the class, but I did't...
> This is the same issue as [open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib#1617](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib/issues/1617). > > You can configure the Prometheus exporter to disable the `_total` suffix with this option: `AddPrometheusExporter(o => o.DisableTotalNameSuffixForCounters = true)`. The...
Hi guys, this has been fixed in hangfire 1.8.10 -> https://github.com/HangfireIO/Hangfire/issues/2356