
Results 4 issues of kamilpi

Hello, I want to read terraform/terragrunt configuration files, store them inside of my stricture in golang test and use them for any purpose like generating new files with a different...

Hi, Did you consider putting in this repo helm chart for this deployment?

### Jenkins and plugins versions report Jenkins: 2.440.2 OS: Linux - 5.15.0-112-generic Java: 17.0.10 - Eclipse Adoptium (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM) --- ace-editor:1.1 allure-jenkins-plugin:2.31.1 analysis-model-api:12.1.0 anchore-container-scanner:3.0.0 ansicolor:1.0.4 ant:497.v94e7d9fffa_b_9 antisamy-markup-formatter:162.v0e6ec0fcfcf6 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.14-208.v438351942757...
