Kamesh Dashora
Kamesh Dashora
Any update here? I wanted to change mutators group to ALL with pitest gradle plugin but I cannot find any property to do that in here. Can you help on...
@alexmnyc @hcoles @kernle32dll Any update on this issue? I am also facing this, I have the lombok.config configured with these options: ``` config.stopBubbling = true lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true ```
@hcoles Added an example reproducing this issue. Also committed the generated pitest report in the root folder of the repo. Repo - https://github.com/kamesh95/openapi-springboot-sample Run below commands after cloning the repo:...
@hcoles If you look at the attached image, the packages inside the box are not present in the source code and are generated through opengenerator config, but these packages are...
Oh okay, thanks @hcoles Yeah, I am now excluding classes based on this pattern.