Kamal Raj Kanakarajan
Kamal Raj Kanakarajan
@birdmw I will try adding that. Inference on the trained model examples.
@shawei3000 Post a simple code snippet , where i could reproduce the above error Try saving using https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/models/save_model
Ask in the PyTorch forum
https://github.com/kamalkraj/BERT-NER/issues/52 @ranjeetds has trained BERT ner using ontonotes 5.0 dataset.
@yangheng95 use the branch `dev`
Hi @simonefrancia, I ported the model from Pytorch to libtorch.
@simonefrancia https://pytorch.org/tutorials/advanced/cpp_export.html
@simonefrancia tokenizer i re-wrote in C++.
@nggih I will try to add the model converter by this weekend