Kalyan Dechiraju
Kalyan Dechiraju
Yeah. It's been a while I have updated this library and I believe it's using an older version of the SDK.
Hi @Rainer-Lang Can you be more detailed?
oh! gotcha. Thank you. That would be a nice addition. I will definitely add this feature in the next release.
Nice! In which version will this be available? I am currently using 1.1.5 and I solved it in a dirty way by saving the instance of tooltip as a member...
It's just a compile-time error saying unable to resolve com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.impl.Store Due to which my build is failing.
Sure. @digitalbuddha Here is a sample project running on AS Gradle plugin 3.4.1 and gradle 5.1.1 https://github.com/kalyandechiraju/StoreDemo Check the Main Activity class (master branch) where the Store interface is not...
Any update on this?
Any workaround for this? I am not able to upgrade the gradle plugin due to this.
I tried cloning the project and updating the Gradle plugin. After updating, Gradle sync fails with this error: ERROR: The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.3.10...
Finally able to solve the issue by adding Store3 dependency in addition to store-kotlin3 dependency. implementation 'com.nytimes.android:store3:3.1.1'