David Kalwinski
David Kalwinski
Hey, At the outset, I will say that I am trying to establish a connection via websocket and rtsp. I use forked node-rtsp-stream. I have problem with huge latency about...
Hey is a Beok TGT70 supported?
Hey, I found a bug. When you try send request eg. with huge quantity then program will throw exception: ``` Application: ModbusSlave.exe Architecture version: v4.0.30319 Description: the process was aborted...
Hey, Is it possible to query slaves in parallel? The idea is that I am already connected and send two requests in parallel, then one request is not processed at...
__Steps to reproduce:__ ```java @Getter public abstract class InfluxDbDefaultPoint { @Column(timestamp = true) private final Instant time; @Column(tag = true) private final Long deviceId; @Column private final T value; public...
Hey, I wonder what the inverterStatus, batteryStatus classes do? Is this some kind of leftover or what? They're not used anywhere.
Hey, How to catch error inside client? `const err = new Error('Timed out while waiting for handshake');` `Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake at Timeout._onTimeout (server/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:1014:23) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:564:17)...
Hi, I have a rather simple question. If I have an unattended TX transmission should I get an `EV_TXCOMPLETE` after sending the signal to the server? At the moment when...
Hi, How to detect devices on another network? For example: I am in a network and I have a broadlink device on and over this network I have...
Hello, I would like to thank you for your work! It has helped me a lot. I have a small problem with the nitrogen and phosphorus readings. Do you also...