Results 17 comments of Ben

Having the same problems. Are you using the cg50?

I agree, storing request specific information to a single global variable is terrible. Especially for something as important as user sessions as your examples show a big security risk. I'm...

The problem is that its a design issue with Oak rather than a internal issue. > I'm in favor of re-purposing the ctx.state parameter to an object that's unique for...

Implemented the `registerSource` suggestion at #250. The benefits are it is a bit stricter than just assigning data in middleware. Being built on getters it will only compute properties when...

I don't currently completely understand how the Spotify api authentication works but it seems a little complex with the refreshing token thing so I understand why is handled this way!...

Was having the same problem. Looks like it only currently supports it as a whole job rather than in a step.

Would be nice to be able to do `gh release download -R killercup/cargo-edit -p x86_64-unknown-linux` to get the compiled binary. I think needs an update. `actions/create-release` isn't maintained...

Thinking a bit about this and what should happen. The nested component should know its parent uses one (or more) of its properties. Then it should compile in something into...

Hmm there is some misconception that wasm is a replacement for javascript. As of the time of this comment Wasm does not have the ability to interact with the dom...

Hmm, I am not sure as I don't really use flutter. **I guess** flutter web basically compiles a flutter app to pwa. If the flutter `RenderBox` object transpiles to a...