I've got the same issue with Ioniq 5 EUR Data sensor: `airTemp.value: 02H` Similarly: `evStatus.reservChargeInfos.reservChargeInfo.reservChargeInfoDetail.reservFatcSet.airTemp.value: 0FH` Bluelink app Planned AC set to 21.5 Celsius.
Is this PR about to be implemented?
> Does the native app work right now? Yep
Up and running again. Strange.
Did you somehow integrate this with Sungather, or by forking? Or using mkaiser's integration in addition?
All I get is "unavailable". But then I'm using WiNet. "Meter phase A active power" etc work however.
> Maybe the newly added registers in documentation depends on a newer firmware from SunGrow? Just updated to the latest firmware. No difference, unfortunately. I find it very, very strange...