Any progress on this bug? I have two sensors, which only differ by their additional costs setting (one set of additional 'costs' for import, one set for export). One of...
Ok, so to stick with the issue, I’m completely new to HA (two days in), so I honestly don’t have a clue. Here’s what the two sensor histories look like:...
Ok, managed to use templates instead. Will see if the interruptions stop.
Ah, ok. Would it be possible to add timestamp for each object, ie differing by 1 minute, just like is done for hours in Best save strategy? I suppose this...
Is there a limit to cache scans?
Perhaps a sensor with one attribute for each day? Monday: True Tuesday: False And so on
Perhaps the most reasonable way would be to expose a full timestamp of the next scheduled departure time, as indicated by the list of days. for instance, today the list...
Never mind, solved it by parsing the data in the following way, if anyone else tries to base automation off it: ``` {% set depday = state_attr('sensor.ioniq_5_data', 'vehicle_data').vehicleStatus.evStatus.reservChargeInfos.reservChargeInfo.reservChargeInfoDetail.reservInfo.day %} {%...
Here's a way to get the next scheduled departure as a `datetime` object, i.e., including date and time. I'm posting it since I guess more people will be interested. The...
Sorry, I have no idea how to do this in proper code 😬