Steven Kalinke

Results 48 comments of Steven Kalinke

I just realized that this is not possible; yet, HTTPS is deprecated in favor of SSH...

Would you mind if I go through the steps of to add `MesloLGS NF` into [homebrew-cask-fonts]( This would allow people to install `MesloLGS NF` fonts via `brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts...

Alright then I won’t dig into that; may I ask what are your concerns? MesloLGS NF could live in its own repo `romkatv/meslolgs-nf` and `homebrew-cask-fonts` would use that as a...

Alright :), maybe there is a way I can link `homebrew-cask-fonts` to reference to fonts in your parent directory: Let’s see...

I was reading up the contribution guidelines, either we make (1) a PR to `homebrew-cask-fonts`, or (2) we make a PR to [google-fonts repo](, which would also be beneficial because...

I just saw the Nerd Font repo; hence the **NF** I tried the latest version of Meslo LG S Nerd Font: Changed my terminal font it, and indeed...

On which macOS version are you? I wrote that under Catalina, and I'm still on Catalina. Maybe also try running the command with sudo?

But there are indeed fonts located in: `$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Adobe/CoreSync/plugins/livetype/.r/`?

On which macOS version are you? I wrote that under Catalina, and I'm still on Catalina. Maybe also try running the command with sudo?

Use direct binaries to avoid dependencies: