Weihui Guo

Results 11 comments of Weihui Guo

As I commented on Issue #154, I just call $('.zoomContainer').remove(); before elevateZoom(). It works for me.

I had the same issue when using carousel. A zoomContainer left from previous page will show when hovering to the left. A new zoomContainer is created every time a new...

Hmm, it seems working fine to me. Chrome is up to date, Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit); Grammarly for Chrome 14.1057.0. I tried both regular and incognito modes, and I...

try to add options - `new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');`. @HackbrettXXX the default unit should be 'pt' instead of 'mm'?!

@PierreOlivierMorin looks like a style issue. [add a backgroundColor and check the output content](https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF/issues/2699#issuecomment-667413344).

@HackbrettXXX I am not familiar with the custom font part. I can try when I get a chance, but no guarantee that I can come up with any solution soon...

It looks like the new release fixed this issue. I can't use the `fontconverter` though, it returns an error: `Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.` when using...

@HackbrettXXX my bad, I should have chosen UMD. Yeah, I was tricked by the computer. When I search the result directly online or copy and then search the code. it...

This problem occurs within `jsPDFAPI.processGIF89A,` either `GifReader()` or `JPEGEncoder.encode()`. Most likely is `GifReader()`. The data passed to `jsPDFAPI.processJPEG.call` has a green background already.

Okay, it's `this.decodeAndBlitFrameBGRA = function (frame_num, pixels)` of `GifReader()`, line 662 of omggif.js. I don't know why the background is green, but I can change `op += 4;` and force...