This is an attempt to make the typing more clear and accurate for staking authorizations. - The validator white list should allow multiple validators or none and not demand single...
https://rest.cosmos.directory/planq/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces/747FF58D3F211497581252CEBE11D7E785FC1E53AC5C29497A361E3830F1AF4A https://rest.cosmos.directory/meme/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces/FACC1CE598366EA01D86CF1CBE05F1A6C7511F673E91DEFF04342ED8DEFE3A60
The tests were many months old so i updated things to latest main. This should make #3340 obsolete
[Polytone](https://github.com/DA0-DA0/polytone) .
[DAODAO](https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-contracts) ([There is a rough upload example here](https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/interchaintest/blob/main/local-interchain/python/daodao.py))
#1094 [Abstract-SDK](https://orchestrator.abstract.money/)
Added tests for the `wormchain-ibc-receiver` contract to validate the state management. Additional [interchain-test] integration tests will come in a follow on pr to ensure the ibc functionalities are functioning as...
The purpose of this pull request is to update the cosmwasm contracts with the ability to export json schemas. These schemas are useful not only for frontend consumption (Typescript codegeneration)...
## Description `guardiand` and `wormholed` are both not able to be built on arm64 macbooks. while this is not an urgent issue i wanted to create discussion around it as...