Kajal Katoke
Kajal Katoke
In below file there is code to list API documents on publisher portal https://github.com/wso2/apim-apps/blob/252e1af4160700fa748437b1652a0f932200ba55/portals/publisher/src/main/webapp/source/src/app/components/Apis/Details/Documents/Listing.jsx#L187 Here in Listing.jsx file, listing of API document (with other type=_overview) is blocked. @tharindu1st , @chaminda...
Please find below details: - entity name=urn:ngsi-ld - entity type: Room - fiware-service= kajal - fiware-servicepath=/kajal
> Organising a bit the information: > > ## Parameters used > ``` > entity name=urn:ngsi-ld > entity type: Room > fiware-service= kajal > fiware-servicepath=/kajal > ``` > > Differences:...
> We wonder how this PR would affect to existing deployments (i.e. backward compatibility). Current databases using table names like `x0052oom` would be potentially impacted if this PR is applied....
@AlvaroVega, I have updated configurations in log4j.propertise file to provide one log file for each sink but it is not working. From below configuratios, I want to display only `com.iot.telefonica.cygnus.sinks`...
This is a gentle reminder!! Please provide your opinion on this query.
@Kanapriya Could you please help on this issue?