As the spec in https://github.com/shader-slang/slang/blob/master/docs/proposals/004-initialization.md we will not initialize a struct without initialize list or constructor call. E.g. ``` Struct S { int a = 4; int b; }; S...
This task is tracking the implementation of one topic in the design proposal of https://github.com/shader-slang/slang/blob/master/docs/proposals/004-initialization.md. If a struct is initialized with initialize list, we will need to synthesize a constructor,...
Following code will cause internal error: ``` RWStructuredBuffer out; uint64_t cast(double x) { return bit_cast(x); } [shader("compute")] [numthreads(1,1,1)] void computeMain() { double x = 1.0; out[0] = cast(x); } ```...
[format("bgra8")] WTexture2D outputTexture; will cause error: test.slang(4): error 31101: unknown image format 'bgra8' [format("bgra8")] ^
Rebased version of PR #4854.