
Results 3 issues of kai

Readme provides the result as 0.02, is there any normalization or what influence the result? >>> x = np.array([1,1,1,0,0]) >>> y=np.array([1,0,1,1,0]) >>> mutual_info_score(x,y) 0.013844293808390418

Since the release of Pandas version 1.5.0, the rolling function in Pandas has become significantly faster. Is there a more efficient algorithm available for implementing move_rank?


Is there any benchmark between single function(time-wise func and axis-wise func) from other python library and your polars implementation? 想问下有相关性能测试吗?我试了下,和bottleneck的move_xxx的性能差比好像有点大?不知道是不是我测试的方式不对。如果方便的话,可以加一下截面和时序算子的单一性能测试对比?感谢