Koki Oyatsu

Results 7 issues of Koki Oyatsu

* refs: https://github.com/kaishuu0123/erd-go/blob/master/.travis.yml * Update README.md

refs: https://github.com/kaishuu0123/vscode-erd/issues/28 Example: ``` [Users] {bgcolor: "#EDEDED", size: "25", font: "Helvetica", border-color: "#A5A5A5"} *id role is_active ``` Here works only `bgcolor`, other options are ignored: ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/xyurpa3ndcvaa27/04h4f3kc.png?raw=1)

Related: * https://github.com/zeit/pkg/issues/228 * https://github.com/zeit/pkg/issues/121 * https://github.com/zeit/pkg/issues/50


What do you think? I want to make the product name simpler. Do you have trouble changing the name?

I want a character with a ghost motif in the meaning of "RE" as an image. want to: * An illustration * flat * Easy to use with SVG *...