This can be solved by changing the root path of Localize.swift file on Run Script. In my case I set it like this `${SRCROOT}/Localize.swift` also notice that Localize.swift includes hardcoded...
Change this property (borderColor) name into something different, compiler confuses because majority of UIKit elements have borderColor property as well. Hope it helps.
Try File -> Workspace settings -> Build System -> Legacy Build System
If you are on Apple M1 try: `gem uninstall cocoapods` `arch -x86_64 brew install cocoapods` `arch -x86_64 brew reinstall cocoapods` I was able to fix my issue.
Still watching this thread.
> I've solved the issue by adding a pre-build action script that dynamically generates the input files before every build for SwitLint. This setup correctly solves the warning and also...
I don't think callback works for Bluetooth permission authorization change. I suggest you check the authorization status in viewDidLoad for your action or use UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification key with NotificationCenter. Or this...
This fixes #148