
Results 13 issues of kaijieshi

'lb_neg' should be "lb_smooth/(numclass -1)" instead of " lb_smooth/numclass" .


Does anybody get the code?

## ❓ Questions and Help ### Question Hi, could anyone provide the script to run pytorch ddp training on IBM LSF?

Hi, will decord support power pc?

I think 20201015-subject-09\20201015_143145 should be class 3. But the video and label is 2. So, the 9th person grasps class 2 for 6 times, and class 3 for 4 times....

Hi, I think you need some code to check pickle data's protocal.

暂不合并 - [ ] 训练,等问题解决 https://github.com/Oneflow-Inc/oneflow/issues/6917

Hello. I want to know if the pre-trained vcoco model you provided was train like this? https://github.com/hitachi-rd-cv/qpic/issues/4#issuecomment-801738132