Kaicey Dettmann
Kaicey Dettmann
Hi @matthew-carroll, thanks for pulling this draft together! We've discussed the benefits of using super_editor internally and have struggled to justify a nontrivial refactor at this moment in time. That...
Hey @matthew-carroll, I understand the benefits for the package itself, but wanted to make sure we weren’t missing industry-specific use cases for news readers beyond what vanilla Flutter already provides....
Adding a quick note that development has not yet started to address this issue, but it's been discussed and prioritized. I will keep this issue updated with any status changes.
No status change at this time. We're still hoping to address this issue, but it is currently lower priority.
No status change at this time, but this issue still has our attention. I will keep this issue updated with any status changes as we work through development enhancements for...
Hey @Piinks are you planning to share a recommended approach to mitigate this issue within the Flutter framework or are you hoping we generate and share a proposal for your...