I would be careful using pins 1 and 2. I don't have it to hand but if I remember correctly one is feeding 5V and the other 24V for the...
> i had found this diagram and it said 5v and ground https://community-assets.home-assistant.io/original/4X/7/5/0/750b95a33f06f15259bee9bd843ef19fc27e56b6.jpeg > > Checked it with the Solis portal. Seams to be correct! https://ginlongsolis.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000012141-rs-485-wiring-with-circular-connector
Solis: A typical wiring scheme calls for an IN and an OUT, that means that each run will have a positive, a negative, a common wire, and a ground. The...
Did you check the address set within your inverter? Does it match the one set here at the integration?
Follow this here. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22188947/204049730-61f2cafc-ab85-484f-ac9d-2de318f1dbba.MOV
I have a battery. This is why one of my two inverter is still running. The other one is dead now as well.
> Does "Energy Storage Control Switch" still need correcting? Hi Will, I did install the latest Version (did run on January version until yesterday, as I had major issues with...
This hier might be related: Setting the value of "Battery Minimum SOC" also can be set remotely. Once set via UI, it will jump back to the previous setting once...