homeassistant-solax-modbus copied to clipboard
[Bug]: number.solax_battery_charge_upper_soc does't get saved if changed.
Describe the bug
Just a hint and question too: The Entinity: number.solax_battery_charge_upper_soc does't get saved if changed.
Using the App, its changed after hitting the "save" button. In HA, all Entities (number settings) are usually saved imediately after been changed. But not so by number.solax_battery_charge_upper_soc After a few seconds, its always jumping back to 100% (or what's being saved bevor at using the App.
Is there any reason for this behavior? I've seen 2 other Registers using too the 0x00E0 May this cause the number.solax_battery_charge_upper_soc not been saved by using the Integration in HA?
Its not important for me, but irritates me a little by its unusual failing. Any info welcome.
Integration Version
latest always
Homeassistant core version
latest always
Inverter brand
SolaX Qcells
Plugin used
Serial prefix
Inverter firmware versions
Latest 36 09 35
Connection Method
Wifi Dongle
Dongle firmware
Detailed Error Log
no error
Additional context
No response
This hier might be related: Setting the value of "Battery Minimum SOC" also can be set remotely. Once set via UI, it will jump back to the previous setting once the inverters values are read again via modbus.
BUT: Setting "Force Charge SOC" actually works. These are the two values you can set within a solis inverter on battery management, so I believe there is a good chance the first one can be set as well.
Both values are on Solis Inverters.
Also: See Bug #703 - I would say these are related
Hi there, did you find some solution or workaround how to change entity number.solax_battery_charge_upper_soc?
I have the same behaviour as Stepsilein.
It should be for Solax this code in Plugin_Solax.py row 924:
name = "Battery Charge Upper SOC",
key = "battery_charge_upper_soc",
register = 0xE0,
fmt = "i",
native_min_value = 10,
native_max_value = 100,
native_step = 1,
native_unit_of_measurement = PERCENTAGE,
allowedtypes = AC | HYBRID | GEN4 | GEN5,
icon = "mdi:battery-charging-high",
There is also similar entity for readings (0x010E). So Im aware to use for writing entity with prefix number.
Thanks for any news
Same issue here. Set battery_charge_upper_soc dosn‘t work.
Same here. In a few moments, the battery_charge_upper_soc reverts itself back to whatever value has been set via the solax app.
same here. any news on that? Solax X3-Hybrid-G4-15.0 (G4.2) via WIFI Dongle (v3)
Same issue here.
Solax X3-Hybrid-G4-10.0 via WIFI Dongle (v3)