Kahlil Lechelt

Results 30 comments of Kahlil Lechelt

Hi! Thanks for the PR! I am seeing that some of the changes you pushed are removing semicolons and other formatting. I'll manually check out your changes and I'll add...

Ok, in this project i used xo I’ll just add a prettier config... Von meinem iPhone gesendet > Am 06.05.2019 um 21:31 schrieb Peter Witham : > > Great thanks,...

Seems to be more complicated and difficult than I thought :D Let's see, maybe we can find out the fixes for this...

Aaha! Check out minifyify: it minifies the browserified code and creates sourcemaps to the original files https://npmjs.org/package/minifyify

> Minifyify runs UglifyJS on your bundle, and uses Browserify's inline sourcemap to create a new sourcemap that maps the minified code to the unbundled files.

But isn't minifyify just a transform plugin for browserify? Anyway I am kind of getting away from the idea to have everything minified by default because I remember that it...

OK. Then that point can be dismissed :smiley: as well as the piped watch-function, I guess. Although there is an Browserify transform plugin for uglify: https://github.com/hughsk/uglifyify

Hi! So in my tests compiling a simple Angular 2 project with tsify takes around 11s instead of 2s with babelify and recompiling with watchify takes 3s. Instead of 60ms...

My strong recommendation is to just use `tsc` on the command line to compile your TS to ES5 with CommonJS modules and then have Browserify take over. It's really fast...

@Avol-V yeah we realized that too. They don't work. gulp-sourcemaps does not load them or read them, whatever. The whole gulp/browserify setup became too complicated so we switched to Webpack...