slcanuino copied to clipboard
library problems
hello . your project might be just what i need ! however, arduino does not recognize the folder as a library and copying the files manually to the libraries folder didn't help . what am i missing here ?
Hi. Could you copy the slcanuino directory which contains slcan.ino file into ~/Arduino/ (C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Arduino\ if Windows) and rename slcanuino to slcan, then move the Canbus directory into ~/Arduino/libraries/ (Documents\Arduino\libraries)? All that is left is to open slcan.ino file and build it.
hello again. I followed your advice and the sketch was uploaded !!!! I rushed to the car , but could see the promised land (candump or cansniffer) only for a couple of seconds and then the communication dies.... any idea why ? baud rate at both places is set to 115200... maybe this is the problem ? should i connect the canbus socket before or after running the monitor? thank you again for a useful project !
hello again. I followed your advice and the sketch was uploaded !!!! I rushed to the car , but could see the promised land (candump or cansniffer) only for a couple of seconds and then the communication dies.... any idea why ? baud rate at both places is set to 115200... maybe this is the problem ? should i connect the canbus socket before or after running the monitor? thank you again for a useful project !
any new on this?
Also having an issue the sketch successfully uploads to arduino and when doing candump receive nothing