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USB-CAN(SocketCAN) sketch for Arduino CAN-BUS shield


This is an Arduino sketch which makes a CAN-BUS shield into a CAN-USB adapter for Linux SocketCAN(can-utils). Library files under Canbus folder originaly comes from 'CAN-BUS ECU Reader demo sketch v4' on skpang and were modified. The files should be copied under ~/Arduino/libraries/ to compile the sketch file:'slcan.ino'.

Supported hardware

I tested this sketch on the following 'CAN-BUS Shield'.

If you are using SeeedStudio's one with its default setting please modify MCP2515_CS 'B,2' with 'B,1' in 'Canbus/defaults.h'.

How to use

Burn your Arduino with this and install can-utils for your linux environment in advance.


  1. slcan (kernel module)
  2. SocketCAN (
  3. can-utils (

or just install can-utils package.

$ sudo apt install can-utils


Please replace ttyUSB with ttyACM in case of using Arduino Uno.

$ sudo slcan_attach -f -s6 -o /dev/ttyUSB0  
$ sudo slcand -S 1000000 ttyUSB0 can0  
$ sudo ifconfig can0 up  


$ candump can0


$ sudo ifconfig can0 down  
$ sudo killall slcand