Exactly what I was looking for, @TobiasWantzen, much appreciated!
I'd also love to have job-specific settings for these rings. 5y is great for my DNC, but I need 6y for BLU (Ram's Voice), 12y for MCH/BRD (Spread Shot/Quick Nock),...
I...did not realize this indicator was even a thing. o.O Seems like such silly UI noise to have in the vanilla UI.
There's another mod for that already: [FlyTextFilter](https://github.com/goatcorp/DalamudPlugins/blob/api5/plugins/FlyTextFilter/FlyTextFilter.json).
Eh, nothing has changed about the combos, so arguably just as relevant as it was prior to DT. I still think it's likely to be a DPS loss in practice...
Already started on the implementation this afternoon, I'll have a PR up once I get it working. Same for 243, I'll include it in the same PR.
Not in the one I already PR'd, but I do have it in the rework I'm currently testing today.
I'm not sure of the logic of combining it with Celestial Intersection, especially since Celestial Intersection is definitely the priority of the two (much more likely to save the target,...
Oh ya, this one's very out of date now. Now that I'm more comfortable with the mod code, I'll probably see about implementing this one myself, when I find time.
I was mostly just intended to do direct 1:1 swaps with this feature, identical to the existing Benefic/Benefic II combo for AST. Features that handle lower-level compatibility for other features,...