D/FFmpeg (21287): ffmpeg is ready! E/FFmpeg (21287): Exception while trying to run: [/data/user/0/appus.tagit/files/ffmpeg, -noautorotate, -i, /data/user/0/appus.tagit/app_flutter/Movies/TagitProof/proof1/1606907328098.mp4, -vcodec, h264, -crf, 28, -movflags, +faststart, -vf, scale=1280:-2, -preset:v, ultrafast, -b:v, 1000k, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appus.tagit/files/flutter_video_compress/1606907328098.mp4] E/FFmpeg...
Cannot run program "/xxx/ffmpeg": error=13, Permission denied i had do many test : at the android 9 is ok , but android 10 is error. i think google change the...
While compressing the video in android app craches and gives that error java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/data/user/0/appus.tagit/files/ffmpeg": error=13, Permission denied
final info = await _flutterVideoCompress.getMediaInfo(file.path); debugPrint(info.toJson().toString());
StreamSubscription _resultSubscription; _resultSubscription = uploader.result.listen((result) async { print("Result Result Result Result Result"); print("onResponse : " + result.response); print(result); print( 'IN MAIN APP: ${result.taskId}, status: ${result.status}, statusCode: ${result.statusCode}, headers: ${result.headers}'); var...
LocationResult result = await showLocationPicker( context, AppStrings.API_KEY, automaticallyAnimateToCurrentLocation: true, myLocationButtonEnabled: true, layersButtonEnabled: true, resultCardAlignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, ); How we can get area and city from result?