Kadir Beytorun
Kadir Beytorun
Hey kanakiyab Could you share a little more details about how you done it? And can you achieve high accuracy with small objects (like 15-20 px) ? Thanks in advance
@JeffyCN Hey Jeffy, I receive this warning when I access USB cam using RKFacial library. There is no crash or error, but the warning is quite annoying. How could I...
> @WongKinYiu Thanks ! > When train use darknet, use which conv file , The same as yolov4 , the file yolov4.conv.137 ? I dont think you can use yolov4.conv.137...
There is some serious problem with your dataset or cfg file. You need share more information about your dataset and also share your cfg file here if you want to...
I dont see anything weird with the cfg file. Did you perhaps create your conv file wrong? Maybe you couldn't create it properly, so you cannot do transfer learning, and...
@cfzd Will you share UFLDv2 in a separate repository or add it to this one? Also will you share trained model weights with it also?
@cfzd Thank you, I am really looking forward to see your improved solution, really amazed with your work.
Okay, but do what with them, give only two of them to softmax? Are they like preds[0]=fake, and preds[1]=real? Also, do I need to detect face in the image first...
Results are wrong. Could you please explain more if its okay? Should I give normal rgb cropped face? Or do I need to use depth-rgb cropped faces? Regards