I'm using the `2.1.0`. I'm not sure what is the problem here
Yes, @delamae is right, the error is shown due to a product not having an image. I will let Yasser know about the issue or even commit a fix for...
One more quick edit to the code: File **UAMPageFormParams.php** Line [21](https://github.com/KyranRana/cloudflare-bypass/blob/2addd3cc6aaec22cc8509390a8475b3379b9557a/src/main/Model/UAM/UAMPageFormParams.php#L21): `public static function getSnippetsFromPage(string $page): UAMPageChallengeCode` **New code:** `public static function getSnippetsFromPage(string $page, string $host): UAMPageChallengeCode`
> Some code changes that allow you to generate an answer that cf considers incorrect: > > 1. File **UAMPageFormParams.php** > [Line 33](https://github.com/KyranRana/cloudflare-bypass/blob/2addd3cc6aaec22cc8509390a8475b3379b9557a/src/main/Model/UAM/UAMPageFormParams.php#L33): preg_match('/name="jschl_vc" value="([^"]+)"/', $page, $jschlVcMatches); > **New code**:...
Yep, that fixed the problem. Thanks, @vvpgrp ! Now, @KyranRana could you make an official update with this fix?
@vvpgrp not working again sadly
@saltyshiomix when is the upgrade to nextjs 13 coming?
i have this issue aswell, for me, it won't even save the "Turn SSL on" option, it looks like it even is not being sent with the request to the...
So, just run the command: "mv RENAME-discord-info.json discord-info.json", then run a second command to open the file & edit the line where you have to put your discord webhook url:...
jeszcze cdahd.ml