I tried as root on a VM (not comfortable at all untaring a file as root, not something no one should do) and I can untar and run (after I...
If anyone else has this problem the way to fix it is: As root: Untar Make executable `$ chmod 755 opensubtitles-uploader ` change owner to your normal user (kabutor for...
Need lcab apt install lcab
I'm`` having the same error i did a print(content) : `APPLE_TIME=978303600.0, content[3]=-980367545.6843619 ('[email protected]', 84232, 0, -980367545.6843619, None, 10, None) Gathering messages...(35999/35999) ` I did a dirty fix/hack :( ``` if...
I did the backup the same day I posted the message, if you want me to try some things, I still have the backup and can do any change you...
well, I have a problem with that, I can't open whatsapp on the device, so I can't check the "Human-readable" time of the message. I'll try to report more info...
I did look for the two messages that have the negative input in the exported html logs. My guess is that those are deleted messages, but as I can't see...
I'm sorry I don't have those files anymore. A woman came to me, their husband and daughter has passed away in a car accident, I just help her to retrieve...
I bought one this week (2024) and your code it's working fine Edit: Using Raspberry pi 3 B and the raspbian latest version