
Results 10 issues of kabiri

i add callback function to demo picturewall property OnClickResult: TProc read FOnClickResult write FOnClickResult; and use it in main form LInfo.Frame.PositionIndex := LIndex; LInfo.Show; LInfo.Frame.OnClickResult:= procedure (aResult : Boolean) begin...

Where is Delphi 11 dpk?

Hello How to use OpenCV DNN Module CPU only on Windows with c++ How to install and config it?

HaarCascade := cvLoad(pCVChar(@cascade_name[1]), 0, 0, 0); show error : ![image](https://github.com/Laex/Delphi-OpenCV/assets/8082245/9c7741cb-553a-499c-98ba-8bdd98faca8e) i run your demo

Don't you decide to create a document or help file for it?


Does this work with the at88rf04c tag? How can I decode the information I read from the at88rf04c tag?

Does it work with Delphi 11?

Hello when i run it , show error `Failed to resolve data length for PascalString255 ghidra.program.model.util.CodeUnitInsertionException: Failed to resolve data length for PascalString255 at ghidra.program.database.code.CodeManager.createCodeUnit(CodeManager.java:2018) at ghidra.program.database.ListingDB.createData(ListingDB.java:284) at ghidra.program.flatapi.FlatProgramAPI.createData(FlatProgramAPI.java:1717) at...

Great, but it runs very slowly compared to C. I tested the C and Delphi programs on a system, especially for images captured from a camera.

Hello It seems that the friends don't have enough time to update this useful software. How to add newer versions of Delphi? Does anyone have any information or can guide...