
Results 17 issues of Kabir

#43 - fix emoji. - remove tools playlist. - remove kunalsig.

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44284877/179436805-fda74882-92b0-4235-ba71-a4b4dc5c1d37.png) Error: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44284877/179436893-636d7bed-ce04-4212-8e2a-ecebd9f3fa6b.png) Error link: https://github.com/eddiejaoude/eddiejaoude/runs/7381745143?check_suite_focus=true working fine in my forked...

## Other additions/changes - [x] Changes made in this PR are mentioned below - [x] Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. -...


### Description Links shouldn't be optional This app is called LinkFree, if there will be no links in the user profile, then what will be the use case for apps...

💻 aspect: code
🟩 priority: low
🔢 points: 1
💬 talk: discussion
📄 aspect: text

Adding the new installation method. old installation does not work anymore. ```diff + ▶ go install -v github.com/channyein1337/sonarbyte@latest - go get github.com/channyein1337/sonarbyte ```

Add python project: - A fast port scanner is written in python with a focus on reliability and simplicity. - Project is containing all the necessary guidelines

### Detailed description [🔨Installation Guide](https://github.com/thecyberworld/TheCyberHUB/tree/dev?tab=readme-ov-file#-installation-guidelines) Feeds: https://dev.thecyberhub.org/#/feeds ![image](https://github.com/thecyberworld/TheCyberHUB/assets/44284877/ca419426-3bd1-449c-a97e-6b631e0bc0f3) Feature: - ![13f4728542cfb30c0724f46fb59e1368](https://github.com/thecyberworld/TheCyberHUB/assets/44284877/95f296e3-628d-475d-9e1f-46c72bcc7ce4) ### Context This will help users to create a poll. ### Possible implementation _No response_ ### Additional information _No...

🟨 priority: medium
🤩 status : Up for Grab
help wanted
good first issue

### Detailed description must follow this [Installation guide](https://github.com/thecyberworld/TheCyberHUB/tree/dev?tab=readme-ov-file#-installation-guidelines) 1. Setup integration with github where user can select their projects from github to display on profile and as well on opensource...

help wanted
good first issue

### Detailed description We can add Unix binaries like ### Context This change will be very helpful for pentesters ### Possible implementation _No response_ ### Additional information _No response_ ###...

🟨 priority: medium
help wanted
good first issue