> Hey @kabir0x23 do we have to implement exact same ui for poll feature ? Hey yes we can build similar first one is before second one is when we...
> hey do you have some relevant resources to start with I want to contribute but I needed some help ? yes, what kind of help do you need?
> I am having difficulty understand how to we imitate this feature as of now, u can only focus on frontend design go to chatgpt, explain this feature , of...
if u need any help or having doubts feel free to ask below
hey @AlexiusTatius are u working on this issue?
> @kabir0x23 is it still in progress? yes. it's pending
For the account component in the settings we can add > 1. Profile Picture: Allow users to upload a profile picture to personalize their account. we already have this >...
no backend for now not for group chat, i have different thing for that, feeds/feedPoll for now
> @kabir0x23 did someone implement the backend? Or should he create a dummy data json file for now? dummy is fine for now, backend is not done yet,
> i will look into it here in that path/file, it contains malicious data templates, it's only templates not real malicious data, it's like dummy data, that's why antivirus is...