Jannis Konrad

Results 4 comments of Jannis Konrad

The easiest way would probably be to set the loglevel [1], if that does'n help i can disable the logging in the config. AFAIK aiocoap doesn't use the DTLSSocket abstraction...

setting the loglevel should work for all messages, otherwise you might want to file a bug against tinydtls here: https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/q/status%3Aopen+project%3Atinydtls/org.eclipse.tinydtls

ok, i've had some time to look at the code and the problem seems to be this line: https://git.eclipse.org/c/tinydtls/org.eclipse.tinydtls.git/tree/dtls.c#n3035 the ```"decrypt_verify(): found %i bytes cleartext\n"``` is output using printf not...

the underlying tinydtls is using printf for logging (when not running on contiki), i don't think there is an easy was to redirect that to a python buffer without modifying...