> @kabal2010 Thanks for your feedback. It seems `KeyVault` service does not implement the `HEAD` operation for `vaults` resources. We'll involve service team to have a look. Could you please...
@navba-MSFT Can I please ask if there has been any update regarding this issue? Best Regards
@navba-MSFT Can I please ask if this has now been fixed?
@navba-MSFT Thank you
@navba-MSFT I think the issue here has to do with using the *`HEAD`* method for querying for the resource as seen in [https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/blob/main/sdk/resourcemanager/resources/armresources/zz_generated_client.go#L139](url). I've tested again with another resource and...
Can I please ask if this is still been worked on as we'll need to use this functionality in Azure Kubernetes Cluster and move away from pod-identity which will replaced...
@manicminer Thanks for a prompt response on this. Just out of curiosity, is there a timeline for this?
@crw Thanks for that. I wish this can be made available sooner in the upcoming *`1.3.x`* releases, but unfortunately, like you mentioned, we might have to be patient. In the...
@manicminer This is wonderful news and thanks to everyone that made this possible ASAP.
I can see this has now been released in *`1.3.4`*. Thanks for everyone that made it possible once again