Kukil Kashyap Borgohain

Results 7 issues of Kukil Kashyap Borgohain

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@WongKinYiu, What is the default batch_size, and how to change it?

Hi @WongKinYiu, YOLOv4-CSP is supported by Darknet and [this is the pre-trained model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TdKvDQb2QpP4EhOIyks8kgT8dgI1iOWT/view?usp=sharing), yolov4-csp.weights. Is there P5, P6 and P7 version of the model in **.weights** format? How does it...

Where can I download pre-trained yolor-p7.pt model?

Hi @MhLiao, I have been experimenting with the values of `Binary Threshold` and `Polygon Threshold`. In OpenCV Docs the following is mentioned. ``` Configurable parameters: - (float) binaryThreshold - The...

Using windows 11. Python=3.11 depthai depthai-sdk 1.9.4 The following error is observed. ``` Using depthai module from: C:\Users\Kukil\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\depthai.cp311-win_amd64.pyd Depthai version installed: Setting up demo... Available devices: [0] 14442C10B1E393D000...


The [example of SearchBar](https://flet.dev/docs/controls/searchbar/) provided in the documentation opens a static dropdown. As it apparent from the controls that ListTile titles are obtained using a loop. ```controls=[ ft.ListTile(title=ft.Text(f"Color {i}"), on_click=close_anchor,...

has reproducible steps