Harshit Kumar
Harshit Kumar
It should be `minShapes`, not `minShape` ``` --minShapes=spec Build with dynamic shapes using a profile with the min shapes provided --optShapes=spec Build with dynamic shapes using a profile with the...
Fix number of neurons in last fully connected layer to 2 (equal to number of classes in diabetes dataset).
Thanks for your work. I want to perform inference on a single stereo image pair. This repo only contains evaluation on KITTI dataset images.
How do I do the inference on a single image using the provided pretrained weights?
* Replaced deprecated `F.upsample` with `F.interpolate`. * Fixed [deprecation warning](https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/wiki/PyYAML-yaml.load(input)-Deprecation) for `yaml.load()`. * Added instruction to add VNL lib to `PYTHONPATH`.
Hi, What's the receptive field of `densenet121` and `densenet161`? The [Distill blog post](https://distill.pub/2019/computing-receptive-fields/) doesn't mention it. Is it more than that of resnet101 (RF: 1027)?