ToGoZip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ToGoZip copied to clipboard

Android share/sendTo menu implementation "add2Zip"

Results 8 ToGoZip issues
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Other settings are all default settings. Maybe I have to create the `copy` folder by myself? If so, the error message should be clearer. Thanks! :-)


I want to add variable to output file name, for example: {yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}.zip ![](

help wanted

[![Crowdin](]( generated on 2021-02-06 with de.k3b.translations.TranslationStatisticsTests#dumpAsMD | language | changed | app | fdroid | aboutbox | translated by | | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---...

When "share" contains a directory in the android app [Material Files]( ToGoZip crashes because it cannot resolve the directory. togozip receives a share entry with mime type "" and the...


Since google has deprecated file: uri-s we need support to add DocumentFile - content uris for files and directories


It'd be great if there were a progress indicator. I'm trying to use togozip to pull a few hundred photos (about a gigabyte of data) off my phone, and it'd...

help wanted

I would like to ZIP and encrypt my personal documents before uploading to the cloud. Would it be possible to integrate encryption with always the same password defined in the...

help wanted

* added/updated after adding something to * text: number of files/bytes * commands: * open/edit via external filemanager (EDIT intent with zip uri) * sendto * delete zip *...
