Kathryn Doering
Kathryn Doering
Imported from redmine, Issue [#70928](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/70928) Opened by @RickMethot on 2019-11-05 Status when imported: Under Review benchmark calculations should be able to recalculate growth from averaged parameters rather than calculating average...
Imported from redmine, Issue [#19955](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/19955) Opened by @RickMethot on 2016-06-21 Status when imported: New add a way to input selectivity at a specified fleet/time/age as data time will allow field...
Imported from redmine, Issue [#69406](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/69406) Opened by @RickMethot on 2019-09-30 Status when imported: New While working on the monthly shrimp models I see an obvious need to allow for a...
Imported from redmine, Issue [#12352](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/12352) Opened by @RickMethot on 2015-10-08 Status when imported: Under Review Have already changed specification of special selectivities (e.g. len selex=30 to 37) from the len...
Thanks @Rick-Methot-NOAA for this idea; this may help catch differences among models in quantities that are not tested The difficult part is that there will always be some differences (e.g.,...
I just ran Simple locally with opt and safe versions of ss3 and found that ss safe actually runs a few seconds faster than opt: SS safe speed (with hess):...
If run with -noest fails, then it is a waste of time to proceed to run with est. So, can the gha abort when it gets a fail? _Originally posted...
currently, all the regression tests of stock synthesis use MLE, but sometimes stock synthesis models are run using mcmc. Set up a test that runs mcmc and checks outputs. This...
The no est and with est jobs could be combined, with an argument to tell which version to use.
Imported from redmine, Issue [#77270](https://vlab.ncep.noaa.gov/redmine/issues/77270) Opened by @iantaylor-NOAA on 2020-04-01 Status when imported: New The issue that Dan Fu reported (files attached to #77268) was caused by use_dev = 1...