Kathryn Doering
Kathryn Doering
comment from cole.monnahan on 2020-03-03: ian.taylor wrote: > I think that a good way to move forward with this would be to test the approach on a simple model with...
comment from @RickMethot on 2020-03-03: I concur. On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 9:54 AM wrote:
Tagging @Cole-Monnahan-NOAA yet again. Looks like this issue was last discussed around March 2020, so I imagine circumstances may have changed since it was originally opened!
comment from @RickMethot on 2020-02-28: Also, When Linf is > size at maxage, increased mortality at maxage should cause the size to decline during time series. This in not currently...
Hmm, that makes sense. Do you think there would be a good reason for users to have an area with no fleets (and hence no data)? If it is unlikely,...
That's a good point! I'll rename this issue to be a summary table of data by fleet and area. But feel free to close it out if you don't think...
A related use case: it would be helpful to be able to filter for only public content, as I would like to create a page that shows all public content...
[JooYoung Seo's blog post on R packages for blind users](https://jooyoungseo.com/post/ds4blind/) might be a helpful read. I'm not sure which types of input it can take, but the VI function in...
@iantaylor-NOAA I see that the code coverage for r4ss is at 50%, but it is actually a bit higher than that since the tests now run on Jenkins are not...
I think test coverage looking pretty good at 50%, according to [codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/r4ss/r4ss/tree/master/R). Note this is an underestimate, as it does not account for the tests that are run in the...