> Looks like the addon is using the wrong python interpreter, probably the system one instead of the blender one, so lets install the dependencies manually: > > `blender-3.4.0-linux-x64/3.4/python/bin$ ./python3.10...
> @k-a-s-o-u You need the `stable-diffusion-2-depth` model to use the projection feature. that worked perfectly! I just followed your Setup document to search stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base but -2- depth worked! Thank you...
> Hello @linxiang4200 , you mean that you were able use the code that start here? > > Its looks preety interesting, I'll try it out. thanks for pointing...
> > > Hello @linxiang4200 , you mean that you were able use the code that start here? > > > Its looks preety interesting, I'll try it out....
Thank you! However I got error on File "D:\4D-Humans\", line 13, in b = pickle.load(handle) _pickle.UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'x'. I googled on Stack Overflow and Github but couldn't...
@carlosedubarreto I just created pkl file by 4D-Humans' I used your import in when imported pkl to Blender. I don't even have any demo_video_converted.pkl file and I can't...
@carlosedubarreto I'm appreciated for your warm hearted productive suggestion! Eventually I made it working and got smoothed pkl! This is the result movie by the way I have one...
Hello @carlosedubarreto > And with that smooth it makes things better most of the time, but on some you will see that the tranlation will becamo messy, you can do...