Jimmy Zelinskie
Jimmy Zelinskie
Hey there! I noticed that this library doesn't use the snappy library from klauspost/compress, but it does import this library for zstd. A cursory look makes it appear to be...
This adds colors for the Syntastic warning and error signs. I used the red of keyword for errors and the yellow of string for warning.
It would be nice to `cat minikube/by-gvk/v1/pods/schema` to see the api server validation for the Pod resource.
It will be tricky to find ones that are perfectly compatible with the standard library but options do exist (e.g. [jsoniter](https://github.com/json-iterator/go)).
[goreleaser](https://goreleaser.com) would vastly improve the workflow around cutting releases. If it can support cgo and embedding the version flag, it could probably replace the Makefile.
In the future, I'd like to have ARM for darwin and linux built into Github Actions.
Because I hacked this together, I didn't really structure it with unit tests yet.
[gojq](https://github.com/itchyny/gojq) is a pure Go libjq implementation. It does have documented incompatibilities, but it's worth leaving an issue open to see if the community is more interested in 100% compatibility...
This would allow people to debug/convert files like x.509 certificates. Here's a potentially useful library: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/cryptobyte
I spent a little time trying to see if I could generically support asn.1. I found that supporting it would probably mean actually having schemas for various things that are...